Hang on a second! Hang on. Right, I might be a bit of a silly bugger, and yeah, I can call myself that. In June I did a review on a mix called 'Classic Trance 50 Volume 1', which was released onto Soundcloud a year ago, but the DJ behind this mix told me that he had a second mix out there, which is recorded in 2021? How does that work? It has seriously baffled my mind! Thought I was going crazy. I might go slightly crazy, but that's another story for another day. For now, let's focus on this older yet more interesting Trance mix, which seems to be ticking all the boxes for me.
Both of these mixes were done by DJ Johnny Davison, But it's the second instalment that I am focussing on. There would be no point in focussing on the other mix, as there's already a review on that one (CLICK HERE). The first one was received well, the only downside was the length of the mix. I've got the attention span of a dog/cat, so an hour is max for me, normally. And after an hour, I completely get lost, and listen to something else, or do something else. But not with this mix.
Yesterday I got stuck on the M25 for a few hours. A truck caught fire, so they closed down the road between junction 15 and 16, so this led me to be stuck for 5 hours, roughly. I hate it when that happens, but it is to be expected: the M25 is a shit road, but we all know it. The journey itself was long, but it gave me the opportunity to listen to this mix, as I wasn't going anywhere, but only inches forward.
The mix is nearly 5 hours long, so you can imagine me sitting there, in traffic, listening to this mix. And I couldn't care less if people could hear my speakers in the door rattling the door. I am stuck. So I have to enjoy it as much as I can. So yeah, this was on full blast, for the whole duration of me being stuck.

Max Graham - Does She Know Yet
Sander Kleinenberg - My Lexicon
Andain - Beautiful Things (Markus Schulz Shadows Of Coldharbour Remix)
Yilmaz Altanhan - Eighties
Funabashi - Daylight
Tilt - The World Doesn't Know
Audioholics - External Key
Andy Moor - Halcyon
Nalin & Kane - Open Your Eyes (Markus Schulz Remix)
Armin van Buuren feat Gabriel & Dresden - Zocalo
Gabriel & Dresden - Arcadia (G And D Swing To Chunk)
Probspot - Foreplay
David West feat Andreas Hermansson - Larry Mountains 54
Tiesto - Walking On Clouds
Jonas Steur - Silent Waves
Lolo - Why?
Ralphie B - Massive
Chicane - Autumn Tactics (The Thrillseekers Remix)
POS - Gravity
Primer - Everlast
Above & Beyond presents Oceanlab - Beautiful Together
Mirco De Govia - Voller Sterne (Super 8 Remix)
8 Wonders - The Morning After (The Thrillseekers Remix)
Plastic Boy - Live Another Life
Three Drives - Signs From The Universe
Midway - Monkey Forest
Armin van Buuren feat Ray Wilson - Yet Another Day (Intro Mix)
Dogzilla - Without You
Armin van Buuren - Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Dub Mix)
Above & Beyond presents Oceanlab - On A Good Day (Daniel Kandi Remix)
Enmass - C.Q. (Seek You)
Robert Nickson - Spiral
Matti Laamanen - Flakes
Andy Moor vs Orkidea - Year Zero (Andy Moors First Light Mix)
Pulser - My Religion
Mono - Rise
First State - Sacred
The Thrillseekers feat Gina Dootson - By Your Side (Daniel Skyver Remix)
Giuseppe Ottaviani - Through Your Eyes
Nu NRG - Connective
Marcos - Just For A Day (Marc Van Linden Mix)
Giuseppe Ottaviani - Linking People
Sean Tyas - Lift
Signum - First Strike (Signum Singal 2004 Remake)
Active Sight - Out Of Our Live
Mo'Hawk - Atlantic Stress
Mojado feat Mr Sam - Naranja (Dimitri Andreas Vision Mix)
Marco V - Godd
DK8 - Murder Was The Bass
Igor S - Boomerang (Igor S Mix)
For the record: I did not sit in traffic just to listen to this mix. Don't get me wrong. I would do a million other things, but it just happened. And this mix was there at the right time, and it was beautiful to listen to. It made the journey more bearable!
Most of the songs that I have heard in this mix are from 2004-2005. And that's exactly the two best years of the noughties, when it comes to Trance music. I do love Trance in general, but I hold the most memories to those two years. And I can even remember the CDs I listened to, almost 20 years ago. And Johnny has used a few of those songs that were on those albums. I even remember where I was! And that's freaky!
But not all tracks are from 2004-2005. There's a nice mixture of tracks in here. All dancefloor smashers! It's been 5 hours of pure pleasure, with some serious dancefloor destroying anthems in here. Anthems they don't make anymore. It's nearly 20 years ago since they released these songs, and they are just from a different era. My most favourite decade, if truth be told.
It is an awesome mix with seriously insane records. It's been an amazing yet boring journey (being stuck), but it was all worth it. Otherwise I would not have heard Primer - Everlast. What a banging record! Loved it the first time I heard it, and still do to this day!
Hopefully there's a third volume, and hopefully it's not messed up when it come to upload dates lol. Imagine, the third instalment, released 3 years before the original one, which was before the second? I'm confusing myself!
Note: edit has been made, title mentioned 2021, but mix was 3 years old, so it's 2020 instead.

DJ: johnnydavison
Genre/Style: Trance, Uplifting Trance, Melodic Trance, Progressive Trance
Mix info: Classic Trance 50 Volume 2
Length Mix: 04:45:19
Tracks: 50 (fifty)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): CLICK HERE
File Size: 653 MB
File Type: mp3
Audio: Stereo
Bit Rate: 320kbps
Release Year: 2020
More Information: johnnydavison - Soundcloud Channel