Roughly two and a half years ago there was a party in Rotterdam, and on the line-up they had a DJ called Rush. If you are unaware of who he is, and what he's capable of, don't worry: you will be able to find more information online. And even information you really weren't ready for: according to Wikipedia, he's 1.98 m tall! Who knew? Not only a giant in the Techno scene, but also a giant in 'real' life.
I don't need to explain the concept we all know called Boiler Room. An artist performing with fans of the music close to them. In this case it was DJ Rush surrounded by a lot of Techno fans, who were really 'aving it. The DJ is the center of attention for the crowd, and you get this more 'personal' experience, reminiscent of the early days of underground clubbing/raving, way before the big events took over.
During his set in Rotterdam, DJ Rush went in hard. So hard, during his set the camera right in front of him couldn't handle the bass, and the camera keeps on shaking constantly. It gives this set an extra dimension. And the huge grin on Rush's face shows that he enjoyed himself. And the crowd did so too. You can see hands in the air, the DJ having a great time, and he takes the crowd on an unknown journey. And the journey, ladies and gentlemen, is fucking hard as nails. If this set doesn't get you fucking dancing, what will?
I normally don't like watching videos, because they can be a tad awkward, and I really need to 'like' the artist for me to sit down and absorb a whole set. DJ Rush is one of those DJs, and this set was seen by me in full in full awe. Too much wicked anthems crammed in an hour and a half. And Rush takes us on a dark and edgy Techno journey. And during this journey he shows us why he's an icon in the Techno scene.
Here's the tracklist.

Tom Wax - I Wanna See You Bang (Olivier Abbeloos Remix)
Atze Ton - Sens
Peja - Swango (Tom Hades Remix)
Darpa - To The Headquarter
Mark Broom - Dank (Dave Simon Remix)
Paesky - Suechtig (Original Mix)
Dolby D - Demoniak (Original Mix)
Champas, Synthetik & Atze Ton - Gear (Atze Ton Remix)
0010X0010 - Stranded On Neptune
Einhorn - Radius
Bjoern Willing - The Change (Mike Maass & Matt Mus Remix)
Monolock - One Man Dream
Boiling Energy - Techno Backstab
Artcore (Techno) - Above The Lines
So. That's a tracklist that doesn't do a single thing for me. I don't know a single artist on this list. But is it really relevant? Nope, not really. As long as the music is ace, shut up and dance people! And Rush knows exactly how to get everyone dancing.
I've never been to a Boiler Room event, but I wouldn't mind going to one. If it's as wicked as Rush's set, I will be in paradise. DJ Rush shows everyone how to create a perfect set He shows the rookies and the youngsters that with age comes experience. And with an hour and a half long set you don't need 39029525 records: a handful will do. And a lot of input by the DJ himself.
You can see the crowd enjoying themselves, and no cellphones were visible. Maybe there's a door policy that no mobile phones are allowed, but hey ho, it creates this authentic experience. Like what most of us went through during the 90s and early 2000s. A good and honest crowd: as a DJ you can see the feedback immediately. And this crowd in Rotterdam are enjoying this set by the mighty Techno King.
There wasn't a single moment dull. I've really enjoyed this epic set. DJ Rush took me on this journey, and I enjoyed it. Am I entitled to call this one of the best Techno sets ever? What do you think? Just listen to this set and tell me what you think of it.
I can only give it the highest score available. Why? Because it's a fucking insane set. A masterpiece on how to entertain Techno enthusiasts.
Ps. if you know the full tracklist, that would be appreciated. These were the only tracks I could find online.

DJ: Rush
Genre/Style: Techno
Liveset Info: Recorded @ Boiler Room Rotterdam 2018
Length Liveset: 01:29:51
Tracks: 14 (fourteen) + more
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): LISTEN HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Release Year: 2018
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: unknown
More Information: Boiler Room - Soundcloud Page