It's Monday today, and it's going to be very hot today. And I'm working from home, in an environment without air-conditioning. And I'm sweltering. I am not a huge fan of the heat, especially when you have to work in the one room that traps the heat extremely well, and it basically turn the room into one massive sauna. I was hoping for something cool today, something that could lower my body temperature a lot, but sadly that's not the case. It is a cool mix, but it's going to increase my temperature even more. Thank you Audioholik for doing that.
But he's made a very excellent mix. It might increase the temperature of your body, mind and soul, but today I will accept it. It's a splendid mix that will give you enough energy to remain perky for the rest of the week. A Geck-O mix, who doesn't want to start their Monday with a mix like this one, eh? Full of early Hardstyle anthems by the legendary Geck-O.
I've only got introduced not so long ago to Geck-O. I always thought it was a Jumpstyle artist, but I was wrong. I'm not familiar with his back story fully, so if you know, please share. But what I do know is that his productions are ace (the tracks I've heard so far, probably got a lot of tracks to discover still). But Audioholik kindly gave us nearly 90 minutes of Geck-O, and it turned out to be a full on madness mix. One that will certainly get you going, and it will create a craving for the early Hardstyle sound which is sorely missed at the moment.
So, are you ready to see and hear what Audioholik made for us? An early Hardstyle mix full of Geck-O. Are you going to ignore this mix? How dare you?!

Gatty - As It Appeared (Geck-O Remix)
Geck-O - It Never Sleeps
Geck-O - Don't You Lose It (Wooze Mix)
Geck-E - Think Big (Geck-O Remix)
Noizy Boy - Man Made Drug (Geck-O Remix)
Freqs vs N3ck & Deception - Hallucinating (Geck-O Remix)
Geck-O - How Low Can You Go
Geck-O - Sticky Disco (Backstreet Banana Mix)
Phrantic - Freestyle (Geck-O Oldskool Remix)
Geck-O - To The Core
Thera vs Geck-O - Hel Help (Geck-O Mix)
Geck-O - Broken Glass
Geck-O - I eat Woofers
Toxic - Root Down (Geck-O's Old Skool Remix)
Geck-O - Torture
Geck-O - All Night
Geck-O - Alliance
Geck-O - Suck The Speakers (Geck-O Edit)
Geck-O - Technoir
The Machine - Self Esteem Fund (Geck-O Remix)
You have to listen to this mix to believe how great it is. Audioholik's mix is a dope one. but that is to be expected. And there's one track that literally blew my mind into a billion pieces. A true Hardstyle classic, and at the moment one of my most favourite tracks ever! And that's a statement and a half, isn't it?
OK. Let's talk about that track. 'Hallucinating' is such a monster hit! Can't believe I've not heard this one before, and I question myself why I haven't. This is one you would want to hear when dancing the night away. Proper oldskool vibes. Hands in the air, stomping your feet, and leaving the world behind. Euphoric as it can be!
But that's not the only track in this mix. Audioholik has picked 20 of Geck-O's finest tracks, and it's a solid mix that came out of it. A very delightful and intoxicating mix. I know the tracks were made by Geck-O, but we've got to give Audioholik some credit for making this excellent mix (yet another one!).
If you are into the early Hardstyle sound, and want to increase your body temperature, jump on this right now! And it's also a free download, so another added bonus. Thanks Audioholik!

DJ: Audioholik
Genre/Style: Early Hardstyle
Mix Info: GECK-O Classics Showcase Vol.2 (10.07.2022)
Length Mix: 01:27:39
Tracks: 20 (twenty)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): CLICK HERE
File Size: 201 MB
File Type: mp3
Release Year: 2022
Audio: Stereo
Bit Rate: 320kbps
More Information: Audioholik - Soundcloud Channel