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GPF presents GPF WINTER MIX 2021

Writer's picture: Martin van Zeelandt / TCDMartin van Zeelandt / TCD

It has been a very long time since I last reviewed anything from the Greazy boys. Too damn long, if you ask me. But the boys have been busy in the background, getting them recognised even more in the world of madness. And for this set they went somewhere special: Italy. The set was looking rather sexy. A nice lake behind them, and the two boys cuddling. What else do you require? To be fair, don't know if anyone in Italy actually know the GPF boys? Have they got a huge following in Italy too?

GPF gone global. And it's all become very professional. Cameras, drones, big tunes, and a fantastic back drop. No industrial location somewhere in The Netherlands, but somewhere extremely nice. And graphics most of us are jealous of. Bananas on your screen? Sure, GPF can do that. Justin Bieber's face all over your monitor? Yes, done. And also the look of the boys have improved: socks and sandals. Or pink shoes. They have made it in the world. Splashing the cash!

Normally I would be focussed on the boys, but this time the scenery is absolutely astonishing. Really good decision to play in Italy. Didn't know it was snowing over there?

All jokes aside, the boys have given us a Winter Mix for 2021. Basically a copy of Lil Texas' idea. He's been doing it for a while, and now GPF are doing it too. Whatever floats their boat. But the main question no one has, is: is this pre recorded? Are they actually mixing? Or are they just standing there beautifully behind the decks, rimming each other hard, and touching each other's manboobs? You tell me. It's very suspicious that no cameras are pointed at the decks ... (*insert conspiracy theory here*).

Someone on Youtube was so kind to come up with the tracklist, and for that I owe them my forever gratitude. But you want to see the tracklist too? FUCK, here it is:

  1. Justin Bieber - Baby (GPF Remix)

  2. GPF - ID

  3. GPF - Harmony Of Fuck

  4. GPF x Kutski - Stare Into My Eyes

  5. Jebroer - Gaan Met Die Banaan (GPF & Mizz Behave's Laser Piep Edit of Riot Shifts Vegang Edit)

  6. GPF x Russian Village Boys - Hello Baby

  7. GPF feat J1ZZY - Cummin On Your Face

  8. Gary Ponte - Geordie (GPF Forza Italia Fuark Mix 420 69 Remix)

  9. GPF x S3RL - Cum Say Henlo

  10. GPF - Alles Naar De Tiring

  11. GPF x ELXR - ID

  12. Da Tweekaz - Ich Schenk' Die Einen Jodler (GPF Remix)

  13. GPF - Crywank

  14. Cascada - Every time We Touch (GPFs 'Every time We Fuck' Remix)

  15. GPF - Sloop Lirpa

You know the madness starts when Justin Bieber enters the building. And then the BPMs come flying at you at light speed! You know the boys are there to demolish the speakers and the one remaining brain cell you've got left.

Obviously the set is filed with their own records, but there are a few unknowns in here, so if you are a die-hard GPF fanatic, you might be able to fill them in?

GPF have cracked the code, the secret formula to become successful. They are the Elon Musk of the Hardstyle/Hardcore scene. Or do I give them too much credit? They have taken something which NO ONE asked for (piep kicks) and turned it into something that works well. No one asked for it, but when GPF took it and made it their own, they did it so well, we weren't ready for it. And neither were they. Now they have become superstars.

All jokes aside, as said before in other reviews, you might like it or you don't. I do, so stuff it. As long as you are having fun. They are having fun, and so do we. If you don't, you can go somewhere else.

Side note that I've got: they do know how to make a track work. They don't even need the piep kicks. Just listen to track 10 and track 13.

Which track does the most to me? Well, it's a track I've never heard before, but has the potential to become the best record ever! 'Geordie' by Gary Ponte. Wicked track.

Something different for you all today. GPF are back with a vengeance!

Act: GPF / Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz

Genre/Style: Puzzycore

Mix Info: GPF presents GPF WINTER MIX 2021

Length Mix: 00:39:47

Tracks: 15 (fifteen)

Download/Listen (via Youtube): CLICK HERE

File Size: unknown

File Type: unknown

Release Year: 2021

Audio: unknown

Sample Rate: unknown

More Information: GPF - Youtube Channel


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