I am Dutch. If you haven't figured it out by now, it is the truth. Born and raised in a little town called Heerlen, South Limburg. And before you ask, 133 miles away from Amsterdam, for those uninitiated people. Yes, it's not close to Amsterdam, but it is still the Netherlands. And I've got a love/hate relationship with the Dutch language. I grew up speaking Dutch, but I never found it a beautiful language. Especially when it came to music. Songs are better sung in foreign languages, like French, English, or Italian. Dutch songs, and Dutch folklore music never really appealed to me, neither did Dutch Hardcore songs that contained Dutch lyrics/vocals.
But things have changed, slightly. Not drastically though. But over the years I started to appreciate certain genres, like Dutch Hip Hop/RnB and Dutch Hardcore, like the songs you will find in this mix. Appreciate, not fully embracing. I still find the majority of songs silly, but at least they bring a smile on your face. It's the silliness factor that is important, right?
The mix you are about to listen to, was made by Jason S, the megamix master. He's made so many great mixes over the years, and for a while they could only be found on Mixcloud, but thankfully he's made the transition to Soundcloud, and they come with a clearly visible tracklist.
The songs pre date the Millennium era, and are early Hardcore songs. And all have got something in common: silly Dutch songs. Some are just so bad, it's cringe, but still makes me laugh. They will never appear in people's favourite Hardcore tracks of all time, that's for sure. But why not have a laugh?

Jason S - Intro: Leren Misken Les 10
Cut The Cake - Helemaal Cut (Club Cut)
Eurorave - Power Failure (Energie Mix
Soldaat Ed & Soldaat Dave - Voorwaarts, Mars
De Gabbers - Rubbish
Boom Terrorism - Rammen & Rossen
Hairspray i.s.m. De Gabbers - Best Wel Kut (Kut Mix)
The Jokers - Rave Mietje
The Powdered Nose - Hak Hak Uit Je Dak
Ech Heftag! - De Haag Hakke!! (Lenny & Ralphie Dee Remix)
Bodylotion - Ik Will Hakke (Marc Acardipane PCP Mix)
Vitamin - Alice In Donderland (Liza 'N Eliaz Mix)
F ''D.J.'' - Pizza
Unsatisfied Evil II - Een Spanned Avontuurtje
Neophyte - Wereldstad
Vitamin D - Tering!
Bilderberg Awairness Project - Botergeil
DJ X.D. - Uncle X (Part 1)
DJ E-Rick & Tactic - The Clown & The Acrobat
De Schiedamse Schutters - Linke Gabbers
Hooihouse - Hak Hak
R.T.C. feat MC Kansloos - Ik Ben MC Kansloos
Unsatisfied Evil II - Moeders Houdt Je Dochter Thuis
R. Wagner - Holland Hakke
D.J. Semzer - Hakland
R. Wagner - Advokaatje
Hooihouse - Pien An De Eure (Zure Melk Mix)
De Klootzakken - Dominee Dimitri (Trapt Alles In Mekaar)
G-Town Madness - Hellscratcher
Neophyte - Zagen
Just look at this tracklist. Well, if you aren't Dutch, it might look like gibberish to you. And it might even be rubbish to you, but at least it's something different.
This mix contains records you will not hear that often, or barely at all. It just made me wonder what the reason was behind each track, why they were made, but truth be told, there must have been a market for it. To me it is similar to the Christmas Hardcore CDs/songs that were released around 1994. Thunderdome did it, Rave The City too, but it died a quick death after that. It was and still is a novelty, a niche market.
And it's quite a funny one, if you listen closely to the lyrics, if you understand a bit of the Dutch language.
Again, don't take this mix seriously, and don't think it's high quality anthems that have stood the test of time. They unfortunately haven't. And they sound extremely dated.
But credit to Jason S for making a wicked mix. It's as impressive as the previous mixes I've heard and seen, and he always provides us with good tunes, and a smile on our faces! So for that, he gets the credit he deserves.
There was only one record I liked in the 90s, and it's 'Uncle X (Part 1)' by DJ XD. The others I never paid attention to, but now I am. And I am having a laugh and a giggle.
Don't take life seriously, as it doesn't do it either! Live life and laugh!

DJ: Jason S
Genre/Style; Hardcore Techno, Gabber, Early Hardcore, Original Hardcore
Mix Info: Holland Is Hardcore 10 - Prie-Millennium Urlie Pouwur - gemiksed door Jason S
Length Mix: 01:09:47
Tracks: 30 (thirty)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): STREAM HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Audio: Stereo
Release Year: 2023
Bit Rate: unknown
More Information: Jason S - Soundcloud Channel