It's Christmas. Well, nearly. It's that time of year though, when everyone goes mad. The shops are crammed with unnecessary items people want to buy, queues in front of the tills, manic atmosphere everywhere, and whilst doing all of that, you've got your standard Christmas stations on, blurting out the usual Christmas tunes. I do not mind that, because I'm quite addicted to the tunes, but sometimes you want to hear something else. And seeing as I'm a raver, why not listen to some Hardcore Xmas songs?
Yes, that is actually a thing. Xmas Gabber/Hardcore. And it's cheesy as hell. The legendary page on Soundcloud History Of Happy Hardcore made this mix 2 years ago, and I think I have already reviewed it last year. This could be a re-occurring thing. Review every year of this mix. There aren't many other Xmas mixes on Soundcloud focussed on Gabber, so when you do find one, hold on tight,and have a laugh. It's obviously the worst of the worst Gabber music out there, but it's fun. As we say in the Netherlands 'met een knipoog' you should approach this mix (read= with a wink). Don't take the tunes seriously. Don't think it's the highest quality rave anthems, but instead it's something different from the usual Christmas songs.
Yes, they are cheesy. Boy, they are. Don't know where HOHH has found all of these, but I do remember one 'Rave The Xmas' album, which contained a few of these records. Bad as hell, but I still did my dance to it. Come on, Scrooge, let's all laugh, and rave at the same time. If the tracklist and the mix itself don't make you happy, what will?

01. Rotterdam Termination Source - Merry X-Mess
02. The S.T. Crew - Ravin' Angels
03. The S.T. Crew - Christmas With S.T.
04. Scott Brown - Start The Cavalry
05. The Frosties - Frosty The Snowman
06. Carlos Mirilla - Escarola
07. Rob X-Mas - Happy Christmas
08. Santasaurus-Rex - Up On A House Top
09. Claustrophobia - X-Mas Rave
10. Holy Shit - Now It's Christmas
11. Davie Forbes - Bingle Jells
12. Brothers In Crime - Sleigh Rave
13. Winter Wonderland - Fuck Christmas Songs
14. Sunblock-X - Carribean X-Mas
15. Claus S - Family X-Mass
16. Sensor - Rudolf The Rednose Ravedeer
17. Santa For President - Santa Is Coming
18. El Bruto - Silverbells
19. Paul Elstak - Hosanna
20. Brothers In Crime - 100% Christmas
21. Scrooge - X-Mass Alone
22. Scarface - Santawaus
23. The Triplets - Marry X-Mazz
24. D & F - No Sleep T'ill Xmass
25. Bang Crosby - I'm Dreaming
26. Noise Gate - The Magic Sack
There was a time in our rave history when producers thought it was a GREAT and WICKED idea to make Gabber music for the holiday season. It was such a silly idea, and I do not think they sold many CDs to be fair. It was a joke. But the weird thing is, that we are still listening to it, 20+ years later. Were these tunes not released around 1993-1994? Or even after that? Yeah, this is the bit I would wish I'd forget. The embarrassment of being young, and listening to this at school, being beaten up for listening to it. What a horrible music.
I do like it though. It's a secret admiration I've got for cheesy music. Some cheesy stuff I can handle, and this X-Mas Gabber stuff is just up my street. It's still hard enough for me to enjoy it.And HOHH have made this interesting mix, which I will listen to on a yearly basis. Maybe even at Easter, why not? It's Christmas all year round!
I can go on and on about how bad and good this mix is, but seeing as you are reading this, why are you in the first place? Just press play, and have a ball. Have a laugh and a giggle. Please do not make any more X-Mas Gabber music, this is enough for me for 2019. Pfff, I would go mad if I hear any more of this stuff.
The best tunes? There are actually three! 'Marry X-Mass' by the Triplets, 'No Sleep T'ill X-mass' by D & F, and 'The Magic Sack' by Noise Gate. Just pure filth!
Merry Christmas everyone!

DJ: History Of Happy Hardcore
Genre/Style: Hardcore, Happy Hardcore, Gabber
Mix Info: It's Beginning To Sound A Lot Like Christmas
Length Mix: 01:36:05
Tracks: 26 (twenty-six)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): DOWNLOAD/LISTEN
File Size: 219 MB
File Type: mp3
Bitspeed: 320kbps
More Information: History Of Happy Hardcore - Soundcloud Page