I have been off for a week. Had a lot of holiday days left, and have to finish them before the end of the year. But COVID made it slightly impossible to go on a holiday, so me and the wife decided to stay at home, and do basically nothing. Relaxing and chilling, and no reviewing. You know, sometimes you simply cannot be arsed to do anything. Can you even believe it, I've not even played on the PS4? But I did have a wicked week off, but now I am back, back with a vengeance.
So today I've got this mix for you, if you are into Liquid Drum and Bass. Or as I would like to call it, Moist DnB, or wet DnB. Not sure who made this mix: it says that it's Mr Miller on the cover, but the Soundcloud channel is owned by Uncle Drew. Whoever made this mix, has made my week. Last week this mix has been on multiple times throughout the day, and has made me even more relaxed than ever before. And maybe that's the main reason why I couldn't be fucked to write a review? I was too damn chilled.
I am not a connoisseur of Liquid DnB, but I am a fan. I do like it. It just radiates sweet and calm vibes, doesn't it? I am always highly pleased when I am listening to a Liquid DnB mix. And today's mix ain't no exception. Hopefully you will like it as much as I do/did.
Worth checking out, if I'm honest. It's been on my mind for a week, and hopefully it will be on yours for quite some time.

Maverick Soul - Clear Blue (Original Mix)
Speaker Louis - Ruff Rider (Original Mix)
Bungle - Dictate (Original Mix)
Blade - King (Original Mix)
Jaybee - Hostile
Loxy & Resound - Straight 1's
Motiv - Ground Work
Rowpieces - When It All Started
Serum & Voltage - Cyber Funkin' (Original Mix)
The Invaderz - Limelight
BTK & Presence Known - 40 Channels Of Funk (log1n Remix)
Substrate - Throwback (Original Mix)
Picota & Kumbh - Funk Memories (Original Mix)
Calibre - Rockafella (Original Mix)
Creative Wav Recordings - Up N Smoke
Netsky - Gravity (Original Mix)
Whiney - Black Ice (Original Mix)
DJ Rap - I Like This (Rollers Mix)
Phase2 - Destruction (Original Mix)
Calibre - Bluetop (Original Mix)
Dusky - Yoohoo (LTJ. Bukem Remix)
Makoto - Eastern Dub (DJ Marky Remix)
As I mentioned before, I am not an expert, and only a handful of names are known, but that does not eradicate the coolness factor of this mix. And if you have only returned back to work today after a short period off, you will need something to wind everything back into position, and chill the fuck down.
The mix is an hour long, and contains really interesting records. A weird intro flows into an hour of pure and unadulterated Liquid Drum and Bass. And credit for Uncle Drew or Mr Miller, for making me happier. Sertraline has made me a bit happier, but music always makes me happier. It's the equivalent of smoking a joint/spliff: you are relaxed, in your own bubble, enjoying life. And that is bliss.
The best record is the last one by Makoto. Close your eyes, and drift away, to a land, far far away!
I've got no negative feedback whatsoever. My suggestion would be to check out this mix, and enjoy it as much as I have. And if you have missed me, I am back, bitches!
Well, there is one tiny thing that bugged me: the file size: it's 620 MB!!!! Bit too much to be stored on my mobile phone.

DJ: Mr Miller
Genre/Style: Liquid Drum & Bass, Jungle, Drum & Bass, Liquid Funk
Mix Info: Liquid Drum And Bass Mix # 18
Length Mix: 01:01;27
Tracks: 22 (twenty-two)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): DOWNLOAD/LISTEN
File Size: 620 mb
File Type: .wav
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
More Information: Mr Miller / Uncle Drew - Soundcloud Page