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T.K.'s Proud 2B Fout (Part 1: Closing Down 2020 Set)

Writer's picture: Martin van Zeelandt / TCDMartin van Zeelandt / TCD

For those that are unaware of my roots: I am Dutch. Born and lived an OK life in the Netherlands for 30+ years. Roughly 10 years ago did I change countries. But deep down inside, if you cut me in half, you will find orange bits and bobs. They might be health related but they do also show the Dutch-ness. And yes, I wear wooden shoes and eat tulip bulbs. Of course a drug addict. Make it the most stereotypical thing ever! But overall, I am a unique person. A music enthusiast. And a crazy dude too.

Coming from the Limburg region, you grow up with something we call carnaval. It's not as elaborate as the Brazilian version of it, but close enough. You dress up weird and listen to weird folklore anthems. And if you were in a cool pub/bar/disco back in the day, they might end the night with some Gabber music. And you always try to pull, but unfortunately the only thing I pulled, was a muscle. From raving too hard, of course.

But I never felt like a person from Limburg. Their folklore music is absolute garbage, and to be fair, most Dutch folklore songs aren't great. But Limburg music just seem to be not my cup of tea. Only during carnaval would I loose myself and sing a long, after being heavily intoxicated. That works for most music that I find garbage. The more drinks, the merrier.

So when I found this mix a few years ago, it made me cringe and happy at the same time. It make me think of Limburg carnaval and how much fun I had. And also the fact that they never made this kind of Freestyle music when I grew up. I would have danced the night away even more. Smashed to the core. This is what younger TCD would have appreciated a lot.

If you aren't a native Dutch speaker, the lyrics/vocal elements might not mean anything to you. And for that, I apologise.

  1. Dimitri Wouters - Con Te Tsunai (Analyzerz Edit)

  2. Gordon Smith & H4Bitane - Sending My Love (Bootleg)

  3. Atomic Twinz & Analyzerz - Memories (Bootleg)

  4. Tom Waes - Dos Cervezas (RDC & Clatz Fun Bootleg)

  5. Da Hool - Meet Her At The Love Parade (Royal S Bootleg)

  6. Calvin Harris - Summer (Analyzerz Bootleg)

  7. Pat B - Hit My Chapter One On The Floor (Mashup)

  8. Analyzerz - The First Rebirth (DJ Tool)

  9. Analyzerz - Bonzai (Bootleg)

  10. Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours (Zany Remake)

  11. Analyzerz - Fiesta Ballando (Mashup)

  12. Toxik Waste & Y-Tek - Get A Life (Original Mix)

  13. Ren Karts feat Altijd Larstig Rob Gasd Rop Poar Neem n - Atje Voor De Sfeer

  14. Festuca - Doop Doop (XQ Holland Tool)

  15. Hollands Kabaal - Toetermeneer (Original Mix)

  16. Hollands Kabaal - Verliefdheid Is Een Toverbal (Original Mix)

  17. De Sjonnies - Dans Je De Hele Nacht Met Mij (Dr. Rude's X-Qlusive Holland DJ Tool)

  18. Festuca - Hoedje Van Papier (XQ Holland Tool)

  19. Viruztweakerz presents Ornst & Bebbie - Schippertje (Original Mix)

  20. Festuca - Op Je Muil (XQ Holland Tool) (Tyfes Versie)

  21. D-Fence - Koekoek Jonguh (Original Mix)

  22. D-Fence - Krakaka (Original Mix)

  23. Sjammienators - Youth Sentiment (DJ Tool)

I have to come out the gate, storming, and state that this isn't great music. It's funny music, don't get me wrong, but it's oh so fout (wrong). It's the equivalent of Christmas Hardcore music, which they've tried around 1993, and it failed hard. This is the same, but it seems to have an audience, especially during carnaval and when parties such as X-Qlusive Holland took place. It's cringy.

But at the same time, it is catchy as fuck. Remember me stating my enticity? Well, I'm still Dutch, and it made my Dutch heart beat slightly faster. Some of the 'original' versions of these songs, they were my childhood songs. Like the song 'Schippertje'. Funny, and easy to learn lyrics. And catchy as fuck.

The mix ends extremely fast, as it should be. Toward the end of the night you would need something fast, and more vigorous. And as you are in such a toxicated state, you would need more BPMs to get you over the edge, before going home. A good way to end the night.

If you pulled more than a muscle, or aren't going to pull your cock, you would have the best carnaval,

It's a funny mix, not my most favourite one ever, but it's just a foute mix (wrong mix). Filled with songs that are so awkward to listen to, but still put some kind of smile on your face.

You have to experience Limburg carnaval to fully understand what I'm talking about. Probably overselling it, but to me it was highly important. Once a year you let yourself go. It made me who I am.

DJ: T.K.

Genre/Style: Hardstyle, Hardcore, Tekstyle, Carnaval, Jumpstyle

Mix Info: T.K.'s Proud 2B Fout (Part 1: Closing Down 2020 Set)

Length Mix: 00:40:14

Tracks: 23 (twenty-three)

Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): STREAM HERE

File Size: unknown

File Type: unknown

Audio: Stereo

Sample Rate: unknown

Release Year: 2020

More Information: T.K. - Soundcloud Channel


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