Rígur Lárus. He's back, but this time it's not your bog standard mix. Well, are any of his mixes standard? Not really. But for this instalment he's gone all out, and made it a nearly 3 hour long mix, and the actor who received their moment in the spotlight, is Harrison Ford. One my least favourite actors in the whole world. Yes, I've said it, and I'll stand by it. Not really a fan of his work, but that could just be the films that he's in. Indiana Jones was OK when it was released back in the day, but he's getting old, he shouldn't revive those old classic films, just ruins the series. Even the Blade Runner film, found that a tad vague. Enjoyable, but forgettable.
And don't get me started on his role in Star Wars. Boy, how I hated Han Solo. The arrogance of the person he portraited. Yes, he's not my favourite actor. But on the other hand, he's been an actor for quite some time now, and he has made people happy, and that's all that matters. He's been an actor for as long as I'm alive. And for that, you have to give him credit. And you might even like a few films that he was/is in.
Imagine him driving a Ford Fiesta! You just can't. He's been an actor for so damn long, he must have earned a few pennies here and there. And to be fair, didn't he have a crash a few years ago in a small plane? Yeah, he doesn't ride a simple Ford Fiesta! He's too damn niche to drive that.
But in whatever car he drives, he might listen to this mix, or the music used in this mix. Very melodic House/Trance/Techno music, which suits him. He seems to be a very mellow person, whenever I see him in interviews, so this mix could be right up his alley? Who knows?
If you do know Harrison, ask him what kind of music he listens to, would be interesting to find out!

Nu feat Jo.Ke - Who Loves The Sun (Rodriguez Jr. Remix)
Corren Cavini - Steps Away From The Sun (Extended Mix)
Armen Miran - Heads
MAX MERAKI - No Longer Human (Touch Me) (Extended)
AFFKT - Sopasopa
Einmusik x Richard Judge - I'll Follow
Hidden Empire - Ornament
Woo York - Samum
Blaktone - The Rise Of Phoenix
Marius Drescher - Citadel
Nihil Young, Beacon Bloom - A New Kind
Veljko Jovic - Illusions (Original Mix)
Rauschhaus - Mindtricks (Original Mix)
Mollono.Bass & Kuoko - Finally Dancing (Club Version)
Sahar - Magenta
Hidden Empire, Artche - Hiding (Original Mix)
Aera - Future Holds
Skatman - Save Me (Tal Fussman Remix)
Malanda Jr. - Shock To The Beat (Original Mix)
Idoru - Careless (Musumeci Remix)
Sahar - Dust (Dominik Marz Remix)
Forward Fox - Reflection
Third Person feat Ben Haydie - Signs (Dirty Doering Remix)
Yotto - Remember Me? (Extended Mix)
AIKON - Space Adventure
Soul Button - Qabila
Cherry (UA) - Valhalla (Original Mix)
Jil Tanner - Toxic People (Colin Levis & Baggy Remix)
AVTEL - Circle Of Love (Sasha Carassi Remix)
Johannes Klingebiel - In The End It Did Not Matter
Colyn - Wait For You (Original Mix)
Kiko, Popof - Night Sky (Original Mix)
Olivier Giacomotto - In The Dark (Original Mix)
Thodoris Triantafillou - The Sun The Stars (Original Mix)
UNKLE - Instability: Closer Than You Will Ever Be (Fur Coat Remix)
Martim Rola & Arodes - Luci (Original Mix)
This is an insane tracklist. Not one artist or song known to me. A completely unknown tracklist, you don't see that very often. Rígur Lárus has found the obscure records, and crammed them all together in this nearly 3 hour long mix.
3 hours? That's longer than usual. But it is highly recommendable. The hours do fly by, and the tunes selected by Rigur as solid as a rock. They are as melodic as you wanted it to be,
What can I say about this mix? It's smooth, it's sexy, and it's just generically cool. I do love his approach to music, and even with the title of the mixes. And even the artwork is very snazzy, very cool. I am happy that I found one of his mixes a few months ago, and now I can't stop listening to these quirky yet very intoxicating mixes.
No generic complaints or nothing negative to mention about this mix. It's yet another successful mix by Rigur. And I really like the concept. It doesn't fit the bill, but being different makes things much more interesting, right?
Can't wait to see which actor/actress is going to be on the next mix... has to be quirkier than Harrison Ford and his Fiesta?

DJ: Rígur Lárus
Genre/Style: Melodic House, Melodic Techno
Mix Info: Take #16 - Harrison Ford Fiesta
Length Mix: 02:49:20
Tracks: 36 (thirty-six)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): CLICK HERE
File Size: 385 MB
File Type: mp3
Audio: Stereo
Bit Rate: 320kbos
Release Year: 2023
More Information: Rígur Lárus - Soundcloud Channel
Great to see you like it again, I indeed went all out!