The Summer of UPTEMPO. Well, Severe, it isn't Summer anymore, unfortunately. It is Winter as we speak. I'm looking out my window, and the garden and surrounding houses are still covered in a 2 inch layer of snow. But I know why you called your mixtape this way. Because 2023 was a great year for Uptempo, and especially the summer period was a great one. Not that I'm 100% sure about that, as I'm still a newby, still green behind the ears. Not a 100% Uptempo fanatic yet. I'm getting there, but still miles off. The only link with Uptempo that I've got, is the artist who's mix you are about to listen to: Severe.
Severe, a name I've been following for some time now, made a mix. A new addition to his 'The Summer Of UPTEMPO' (the fourth instalment to be precise). And even though it's cold and miserable outside, you can still pretend it's nice and sunny outside, sipping a Pina Colada. Or whatever beverage you prefer.
I think I discovered him back in 2020/2021, and his mix grabbed my attention, and from that moment on, I'm hooked. This mysterious masked DJ is someone who likes the beats and bass and melodies to be vigorous. Hard as nails. No fucking about with the tunes he selects. And for a strange reason, I seem to be drawn to it a lot. And when his latest mix appeared on my timeline, I jumped on it, not knowing I had to wear protection! My Gawd, this mix is filth.
A few months ago I got a new car, and this car has got a proper sound system already built in. And when I pressed play on this specific mix, it nearly blew my speakers into a billion pieces! Sweet Joseph and Mary, this mix is hard! And now, just picture a hyped up kid just bouncing up and down in his car seat... that was me when I heard this mix for the first time. And still to this day I am in awe, and in total shock. Love it!
But what tracks did Severe use? He kindly directed me to his Instagram page, which has got the FULL tracklist. Happy is an understatement:

Wheelhatz - Another Smoke
Stineaux & Insidious Side - Uptechno
Waterpsirit - Feeling (Rollz Royce Edit)
Dr. Peacock & ascendant vierge - Influenceur (Tom Sku Edit)
Remzcore - Dynamite (Xcriminals & Tom Sku Edit)
Revealer - Miss You (Bootleg) (Flout Mania Edit)
Chaotic Brotherz - TBA
Da Rool - Meet Her At The Love Parade (Rollz Royce Edit)
Lil Nas X - Star Walkin (Lunakorpz Edit)
Jimmy Gomez - Jungle
Lil Nas X feat Biley Ray - Old Town Road (The Dark Horror Edit)
Sickmode - Find You (S'Kor Remix)
Inswennity & S'Kor - Lonely
Lil Texas - Pressure Cooker (Rollz Royce Edit)
Schizophrenix - Step Back (Chaotic Brotherz Edit)
Adjust - Red Lips (Edit) (Chrizens Kick Edit)
Dimitri K - Early Uptempo Mash
Lady Damage - Break It Down (Tom Sku Edit)
Deadly Guns - From The Underground (Tom Sku Edit)
Major Lazer feat Partysquad - Original Don (Tom Sku Edit)
Be warned: if this is the first time you are going to listen to this mix, make sure you've got the volume NOT all the way up. You are not ready for the filth. And you don't want your monitors to blow up your house. Just be warned. Severe brings the heat, and the heat will radiate throughout your monitors/speakers. Something will blow up, and it's not something you want, just before Christmas.
Unless you are desperate to replace your monitors. If that's the case, volume on MAX and enjoy them being blown into a billion pieces.
The mix is very tight, but I would not have expected anything else from Severe. A few tiny, but very tiny (more minute like) errors, but they aren't wasting your time on. The music will keep you going, and the Uptempo beats will certainly penetrate your ear drums, loudly and proudly.
When you think you've reached the highest level imaginable and think it cannot be any rougher and tougher, and Severe gives you this?
I am not 100% into Uptempo, but mixes like this one will certainly get me going. Into the direction of Uptempo. Would I prefer this over the 'standard' Hardcore. Not yet. But it all depends on my own research: if I keep on finding dope mixes like the one you are listening to, I know for sure that Uptempo will be my future.
'Dynamite' is such a boss anthem. And 'Uptechno' too. Damn, my speakers are barely holding on for dear life!

DJ: Severe
Genre/Style: Uptempo Hardcore
Mix Info: 'The Summer Of UPTEMPO 4' (Mixed By Severe)
Length Mix: 00:55:09
Tracks: 20 (twenty)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): CLICK HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Audio: Stereo
Bit Rate: unknown
Release Year: 2022
More Information: Severe - Soundcloud Channel