It is Monday, and another week has just commenced. And we are to listen to a Tiesto mix. Remember Tiesto and his early work? When he dominated the Trance scene? When he was the first (or one of the first) to have his own concert, where the was the main focus? Remember when he released hit album after hit album, and had massive success all over the world? Remember those days? I do. And I even remember listening to his 'Tiesto In Concert' when it was broadcasted via Dutch radio station 3FM. I was listening throughout the night. Recorded everything on good old cassettes. Those were the days....
The mix I am listening to is filled with the early Trance anthems we all know and love. Not all of them of course, because he made plenty. But just a handful. Enough to keep us occupied for an hour and a half. And that's enough for now, right? As long as they are the big hits, and that's what we desperately need. Tiesto during the Millennium years, nothing can beat that.
I only saw him live once, and that was at Innercity. The place was rammed, and for good reason. He was slowly becoming the world's greatest DJ, and also his producing side would explode. The amount of tracks he worked on, is extraordinary. And in this mix, made by Marc Astley, is packed with the big hits. Some more obscure than the others, but still glorious though.
What's in this mix? Good question. The answer? These songs....

Tiesto - Ten Seconds Before Sunrise
Tiesto & Mark Knight - Beautiful World
Tiesto - Just Be
Tiesto - Dallas 4PM
Tiesto - Traffic
Salt Tank - Eugina (Tiesto Mix)
Tiesto - Flight 643
Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun (Tiesto Mix)
Gouryella - Gouryella
Tiesto - Theme From Norefjell
Delerium - Silence (Tiesto's In Search Of Sunrise Mix)
Jan Johnston - Flesh (Tiesto Mix)
Kamaya Painters - Wasteland
Binary Finary - 1999 (Gouryella Mix)
Tiesto - Suburban Train
It's a good looking tracklist, that's for damn sure. Not all are my favourite early Tiesto records, but certainly most of them are. And you cannot play a Tiesto set without 'Flight 643', probably his biggest hit as a Trance producer (his EDM side has probably given him more success, but that's a different story). And what about 'Traffic', or when he worked with Ferry Corsten as Gouryella? The glorious years!
The DJ behind this mix has given us an hour and a half of Tiesto, and for that, I thank him. During the Millennium years I bought nearly everything Tiesto related, I was a fan of him. He was the best of the best. And mixes like this one take me way back to the early days. The glorious years. The best years of Trance. And probably Tiesto's finest years.
Not a fan of 'Just Be'. I always found that song boring as hell. Not his finest work. but what is his finest work, that is 'Dallas 4PM'. Love that track. Yes, his biggest hits are still classics, but this record is just perfect for me.
A cool mix with some seriously insane timeless Trance classics. Check it out!

DJ: Marc Astley
Genre/Style: Trance, Progressive Trance
Mix Info: Tiesto Classics Mix
Length Mix: 01:30:44
Tracks: 15 (fifteen)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): CLICK HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Audio: Stereo
Bit Rate: unknown
Release Year: 2019
More Information: DJ Marc Astley - Soundcloud Channel